Sunday, November 28, 2010

EGO life

I am constantly struck by how many of us operate out of the ego rather than what we think we're doing... we think its out of love, friendship, civic duty or even religious conviction at times.

I challenge you to do this. Evaluate every action you make today, every word you say and thought that you think. See how many of those are really about "YOU". Maybe it's not the blatant egotistical behavior that we've all seen in others but I bet you'll see the subtle ways we try to get our way or "work" it to our benefit.

I'm in no way saying I've got this area handled in my life...but I'm trying. And.... that's what we're supposed to everyday becoming a better person.

Live beyond your ego and see your life change in unexpected ways. Remember, this won't happen all at once. It's a journey you're on.

Live well.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Definition of Commitment

Over the years I've heard a lot of people describe what commitment is. I think this sums it up best:

The next time you sit down to breakfast and look at your eggs and bacon remember this... The chicken was involved but the pig was committed!

I bet you'll post this one!

Live well.
