Saturday, April 29, 2006

Lighting Up

Recently I was at the Las Vegas Airport where there were many signs notifying the public of the fines associated with taking lighters and/or matches on the plane. Even checked baggage was to not have lighters, etc.

Big boxes were strategically placed in the security lane to allow those last minute smokers to dump their arson making materials before a hefty fine would be imposed...

The only trouble with all that was....

Once I got on the other side of security and made it all the way to my gate I noticed 2 smoking areas with dozens of people in there. I thought nothing of it...then it hit me. How could they light up?
Guess what? They had lighters! and matches!

Where did they get them? I shudder to think of the possibilities....

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Little Things

Listening. Smiling.

Holding. Loving. Sharing, caring and laughing.

Saying "thank you". Holding the door for someone. Allowing that car to cut in front of you and have that coveted parking place.

All of these things are free but mean a lot to those you come in contact with. Maybe we should live today and "pay it forward".

See what happens.